Four men were hanged Friday, more than seven years after a gang-rape and murder that stunned India. Jyoti Singh, 23, was returning home from the cinema with a male friend when they boarded a private bus on the evening of Sunday December 16, 2012. The five adults and one juvenile were charged with 13 offences in February 2013 by a fast-track court.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
Four men were hanged Friday, more than seven years after a gang-rape and murder that stunned India. Jyoti Singh, 23, was returning home from the cinema with a male friend when they boarded a private bus on the evening of Sunday December 16, 2012. The five adults and one juvenile were charged with 13 offences in February 2013 by a fast-track court. March 20, 2020 at 06:17AM
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